Prednisone Medications

Multimodal Treatment Options

Visco - Supplement Injections

PRP Injections


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Prednisone and all its various formulations are commonly referred to as "cortisone" or "steroids". Prednisone is commonly used by rheumatologists and many other medical professionals. Prednisone can be prescribed as pills, topical creams, shots, or intravenous drips. It is a potent anti-inflammatory that can suppress inflammation brought on by many disease processes and is used by every medical specialty for countless diseases. 

Prednisone, and its various formulations, is generally given for a short duration to get control of the active disease process and implement long-term treatment. Prednisone can cause a multitude of adverse events or "side effects" and for this reason, it is generally avoided for long-term use. Potential side effects might include diabetes, weight gain, infection, cataracts, glaucoma, skin fragility, osteoporosis, bone fractures, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stretch marks, and stomach ulcers.

In summary, steroids (prednisone/cortisone and all its various formulations) have great utility in all the various medical specialties. However, its use needs to be carefully monitored by a medical professional to "help" and not "hurt" the patient.

Available Prednisone Meds

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"I feel blessed to have a Dr. who reads my file before coming in the room and never seems unprepared or anything but invested in her Practice. Dr Freyne is the real deal... A no nonsense professional trying to help you feel better. That's it.. Nothing less or nothing more I am a huge fan of Dr Freyne and her professionalism. Thank you for all you do."

- Matthew K.

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